Klatrekampen-pakken består av
Én drikke pr. pers (mineralvann, iste, kuli)
Pølse i lompe/brød, 3 stk. pr. pers. OBS! Vi har dessverre ikke mulighet til å ta hensyn til allergier og dietter, men ta gjerne med egen mat.
Morsomme bakkeaktiviteter som: kjempesprettert, balanselabyrint, hinderløype på bakkenivå
Gullhjelm og en liten presang til bursdagsbarnet.
Fri klatring i parken. OBS! Husk at barn under 12 år må ha følge av voksen over 18 år i løypene. Max to barn pr. voksen. Voksne klatrer gratis.
You must have gone through security training before you do any activities in the climbing park.
It is prohibited to do activities in the park without proper safety training.
Be sure to have fully understood what was gone through in the safety training.
If something is unclear, as our staff.
You must climb the practice course before climbing the other courses.
You are in charge of your own and childrens activity and safety in the climbing courses.
People below 15 years shall have a approvement by the parent in order to participate.
Children below 12 years shall be accompanied by an adult at all times.
Safety gear
The climbing harness has three buckles - one on the hip and one in each veinloop.
The harness must be tight at all times.
If you are in any insecurities about the harnesses, contact our staff immediately.
Make sure you are at all times secured with a minimum of 1 buckle or 1 trinse.
In each obstacle you shall be secured with 2 buckles or trinse.
In climbing walls you are to be secured and checked by an instructor before climbing.
Read the post about each activity / obstacle and check that you are correctly secured before you move to an activity / obstacle.
Obstacles and activities have height and age requirements - read the post before starting the course/ activity.
Green course minimum height is 115cm.
Blue course minimum height is 115cm.
Purple and red course minimum height is 140 cm
Move calm and controlled through the activites and obstacles.
It is only allowed 1 person per obstacle (unless it is described differently), wait until it is cleared before starting the obstacle.
On each platform between each obstacle there can be allowed up to 3 people at a time. Wait on the platform until the obstacle is ready.
On the zip-lines you must check that nobody is on the line. If in doubt you must wait until it is cleared.
Do not touch the zip-line when sliding on it.
If any fault or missing parts of obstacle please contact staff immediately.
Maximal weight for climbers: 120 kg.
Access to activities is denied for:
People under the influence of alcohol or other drugs.
People below the height requirements for each course.
People with heart- or lungproblems.
People with back- or neckproblems.
People with severe injuries or sufferings.